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Maya Burman’s tribute to Anthé

The Art Alive Gallery, as part of its 20th anniversary, is showcasing the works of Sakti Burman, Maite Delteil and Maya Burman at the Center for Contemporary Art, Bikaner House, New Delhi. A2zoftrends spoke to Maya Burman to understand more about her artworks and the idea that inspired her to make them.

Maya Burman’s artworks are based on composition. Unlike other artists who add random elements to paintings, she likes working in layers. She develops the characters on the canvas according to her observations. But one thing that remains stagnant in all her figurative artworks is her love for architecture in some form or other.

She explains, “Architecture is always there in my paintings in the way I build the composition. Just like you make basement in your house so that its foundation is strong. The same way I build composition in my artworks. This allows me to create more space and add other elements to the canvas.”

Her latest artworks titled ‘Games of Life’ are inspired by her life in Anthé, a small village in Southwest France. Maya and her husband moved to the village just before the lockdown. Living away from the hustle bustle of the city gave her ample time to observe the beauty of the nature. The artist captured these observations on the canvas.

“Earlier, when people used to ask about my works, I used to tell them that my paintings depict a place where I wish to live. But now, I live in such a place. There aren’t any bakeries, shops and post office where I live. In a way, I live away from the materialistic world. But when I open my window, I see the beauty of the nature. These artworks showcase the ideal world where I live in,” she says.

An artwork titled 'Happiness and light'

But why call your artworks ‘Games of Life’ instead of ‘ideal world’? The French-born artist says that the title relates to surreal stories.

“All the elements that can be seen in my artworks are playful. Even the colours are playful and vibrant. You will see that there is some kind of action in the form of dancing, reading, playing a sport or an instrument, juggling, etc. That is why the show was titled as 'Games of Life',” she shares.

There is a sense of exuberance in her works. Maya has used a colourful palette of vibrant colours. But, she has also been experimental in adding different tones to the elements of nature that are in reality, in different colours.

She considers herself as an artist who paints with consciousness. She says, “I make my composition and decide the subjects that need to be a part of my canvas. But colours are not added consciously. You won’t find blue trees or deep red sky anywhere. I am experimental with colours. I discover small elements and their usage while making these works.”

An artwork titled 'Circus'

In the ongoing exhibition, the artist has used pen, water colours, ink on paper and oil as the medium. “All of them were made during the pandemic, i.e., from 2020,” she says.

Maya loves to paint women with bulky arms in her paintings. When asked if the artist does it on purpose, she says, it isn’t intentional.

“It’s my style. I think it looks aesthetical. There isn’t any message that I wish to spread nor am I trying to imitate anyone. I feel making women with big arms add volume to my paintings,” she adds.

The show will be open to public till 22 April.


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